Using the xtoearn-near-sdk-js in your app

xtoearn-near-sdk-js reference

Setup the xtoearn-near-sdk-js in your app

  • Install dotenv npm package

$ npm install xtoearn-near-sdk dotenv
  • Create a .env and copy contents from .env.example

    NEAR_ENV = 
    NODE_ENV = 
    • Set METHOD_NAME to process_events

    • Set ACCOUNT_ID to your Account ID which you connected to the app

    • Set CONTRACT_ID to your Contract Name as shown on the xtoearn app


Single Program

To send Rewards for a single Rewards Program:

  • Generate and download the Private Key of the Rewards Program

  • Store the private key in your .env as PRIVATE_KEY

  • To pay out the rewards call the give_rewards function with the necessary inputs

import give_rewards from "xtoearn-near-sdk";
import dotenv from 'dotenv';

const args = {
  "reward_name": "video_view", // Reward name for the reward that you're paying out
  "program_name": "program", // Program Name
  "user_wallet": "user-to-reward.near", // The user you're sending rewards to
  "program_owner": "yourACCOUNT_ID", // This would be your account i
  "private_key": process.env.PRIVATE_KEY// Private with function access for contract

const CONTRACT_ID = "program-yourACCOUNT_ID-xtoearn.near" // Can be found on the x2earn dashboard
const ACCOUNT_ID = process.env.ACCOUNT_ID

give_rewards(CONTRACT_ID, ACCOUNT_ID, process.env.METHOD_NAME, args, process.env.ATTACHED_DEPOSIT).then(reward => console.log(reward))

Multiple Programs

To send rewards for multiple Rewards Programs:

  • Create a directory and set credentials_dir in the args to the complete path of the directory

  • Download each program private key from xtoearn website and copy the file to the directory created above

  • To pay out the rewards call the give_rewards function with the necessary inputs

import give_rewards from "xtoearn-near-sdk";
import dotenv from 'dotenv';

const args = {
  "reward_name": "video_view", // Reward name for the reward that you're paying out
  "program_name": "program", // Program Name
  "user_wallet": "user-to-reward.near", // The user you're sending rewards to
  "program_owner": "yourACCOUNT_ID", // This would be your account id
  "credentials_dir": "/absolute/path/to/where/keys/are/stored",

const CONTRACT_ID = "program-yourACCOUNT_ID-xtoearn.near" // Can be found on the x2earn dashboard
const ACCOUNT_ID = process.env.ACCOUNT_ID

give_rewards(CONTRACT_ID, ACCOUNT_ID, process.env.METHOD_NAME, args, process.env.ATTACHED_DEPOSIT).then(reward => console.log(reward))

Last updated